A Story Worth Writing audio course
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A Story Worth Writing audio course

A Story Worth Writing is a quick-win mini audio course with seven short modules designed to immerse you in the headspace you need to take yourself seriously as a writer and nurture that mindset with intentional writing. These mini audio lessons cover

  • Choosing your writing thoughts

  • Finding time to write

  • Mining your brain for ideas

  • Knowing your why

  • A mindset reset

  • What comes next

and my favorite element

  • the guided journal meditation

All together, these mini lessons will take you about two hours to go through, and you will come out the other side as a different and more grounded writer. Each mini lesson also comes with a PDF with resources to help you integrate the material right away.

A Story Worth Writing is an audio course not only targeted to give you quick wins and kickstart writing momentum, but also designed to be revisited as often as necessary. I created this for the writer who needs an injection of encouragement and a cheerleader by their side. I’ve got you.

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Feeling inspired? You’ll love the audio course, A Story Worth Writing